These are some of my questions list on post BILETA 2008:-
1) One of the atendees questioned on the definition of "Data Controller" under the EU Directive and how it should be interlinked with RFID; my personal response is that; if it is to be applied within RFID context, it would be a technology specific legislation instead of otherwise;
2) Responses from the audience argued that it's pretty challenging to reach a consensus in defining the provisions of a particular legislation whenever it comes to high and sophisticated technology like RFID. My personal response is that; strong lobbying is the key and again, reformation is the key;
3) Responses from the audience agreed that the RFID issue has gone beyond; on the issue of human rights - criminal tagging. My personal response is that; the technology has crawled and crippled to an unfavourable environment which in return, people just close one (1) eye to accept its deployment;
4) Views from one (1) of the speakers; said that there would be an enormous challenge should a code of conducr to be introduced in RFID deployment usage. My personal response is that, RFID issue will be similarly or a reflection alike of the internet era and debacle. The difference is that, RFId is a physical and technically function as intermmediary. Perhaps, a whistle blower guidance on this may assist? or to inserting potential provision in the technical guidance?;
5) Views from one (1) of the speakers; said that it will be an enormous challenge if privacy assessment to be introduced in RFID. However, she did not reach any option on this. My personal response is that, whilst the technology remains to be soo powerful, however, an integration should be reached at the development stage level and the privacy assessment should be the key of innovation. Yet, this view is dually debatable; and
6) Views from one (1) of the atendees; said that RFID issue should also be cross reference to other prevalent Directives. However, it is my personal view that, the approach will lead to co-regulation of Directives.
As the developments of RFID in the UK and EU has reached a serious stage of discussion, it is however should be noted that; the outcome of the effort should be disseminated to the other states in transition and other continents. It's a global commitment (emphasis added).
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