It has been sometime, I have not updated this blog. One of the reasons is due to my conference engagement in Istanbul, Turkey.
My RFID paper presentation went well, despite of the limited time given. These are some feedbacks that I have received:-
i) That Malaysia should actually strategise it's localised RFID policy rather than looking into how the EU's RFID experience.
On this, I would partially agree and partially disagree. On one hand, I would say that Malaysia still needs to look into the EU's RFID market, development and maturity. It will be the basis for Malaysia to promulgate potential benchmark in it's RFID regulation or supervision. On the other hand, I would agree, IF, the personal data protection and privacy legislation would have been passed by the Malaysian parliament, in which, subsequently will attract considerable debate to the Malaysian RFID players.
ii) That Malaysia should consider opt for consumer protection laws' remedies instead of awaiting the personal data protection bill in its RFID initiative
I agree on that option. However, Malaysian consumer protection laws' remedies are not strong as in the UK. The consumer awareness on RFID tagging is still lacking. Thus, there should be a strategic avenue for the consumers in Malaysia to channeling their concerns on their privacy intrusion.
iii) That there should be more RFID technological readiness, awareness and exposure to the people.
I totally agree on this.
In an interesting development, I have had the opportunity to share some of my RFID perspectives with academics from Liverpool and Notre Damn. There might be an interesting trilateral research interest between Malaysia, UK and EU on RFID soon. Just await the outcome.
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