Wednesday, 22 April 2009

RFID has reached animal tagging in Malaysia!

Sorry dearly blog, after almost nine (9) months of long absence.

Now, I am reactivating this blog, as frequent and as consistent as I could. By the way, realised that this Blog has reached it's one (1) year old of its existence. Happy too belated birthday. I promise not to making you as an abandoned child anymore. Promise.

Ok, back to official research stuff.

In Malaysia, RFID has now been used for tagging the livestock. Read this interesting stuff here. and here.

Some questions to ponder:-

i) Are there any technical regulations / standards governing RFID in Malaysia?

ii) How about ethical issues at hand [towards animal]? though sounds too far to think, as opposed to human beings, but animals are always a subject matter of experimental behaviour and model, for such a guinea pig technology to be deployed extensively in Malaysia?; and

iii) Will it be a successful deployment?

And time will tell, whether it is and it will...